Friday, June 06, 2014


We arrived at the impressive Suvarnabhumi airport and started to taxi to our arrival gate. We passed the main terminal, past the cargo terminal, kept going onwards past the maintenance depot, all very interesting, and finally arrived at the quadrant where all the planes that are past repair are kept. We finally stopped there. It must have been a busy period. There was no chance of an air bridge, so we walked down the stairs, waving like President Obama, to our waiting coaches. The heat was fierce, in contrast to the refrigerated metal canister of our plane. My pants began to heat up and were a serious fire risk by the time I made it to the ground. Fortunately, the bus was on maximum aircon, and the danger was averted.

We were in Bangkok, again, breaking our trip home to blighty. There’s been a military coup since we were there in March, but the only noticeable difference was that the trip from the airport to town took less time than usual, and the hotel was empty. We just spent a day sleeping and then headed back to the airport waved off by the entire hotel staff. We’d been upgraded to first class and that was quite an experience. There’s a special entrance at the airport. A porter took our bags and a hostess took our passports and showed us to a comfy seating area. Next, she came back with our boarding passes and walked us through passport control and security. It took about a minute. It had started to rain in that way it only does in the tropics, like someone had turned the ocean upside down on us. Mags asked if there would be an air bridge so we wouldn’t have to walk and get soaked, I think they may have misunderstood and assumed that we didn’t want to walk anywhere, so a buggy came and whisked us off to the lounge. We were ushered into our private suite for a glass of bubbles and a Thai massage. I can’t remember much about the flight after the caviar and vodka.

We’re now back home where the weather is 23 and sunny, just like Sydney. I achieved a lifetime ambition earlier today due to the jet lag, I arrived at Borough market early, and had a pint in the Market Porter before early closing at 9a.m.

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